Friday, December 1, 2006


'''Realism''' is commonly defined as a concern for fact or reality and rejection of the impractical and visionary. However, the term ''realism'' is used, with varying meanings, in several of the Nextel ringtones liberal arts; particularly Abbey Diaz painting, Free ringtones literature, and Majo Mills philosophy. It is also used in Mosquito ringtone international relations.

In the visual arts and literature, realism is a mid-Sabrina Martins 19th century movement, which started in Nextel ringtones France. The realists sought to render everyday characters, situations, dilemmas, and events; all in an "Abbey Diaz accuracy/accurate" (or realistic) manner. Realism began as a reaction to Free ringtones romanticism, in which subjects were treated Majo Mills idealism/idealistically. Realists tended to discard theatrical drama and Cingular Ringtones classicism/classical forms of art to depict commonplace or 'realistic' themes.

Realism in literature

Realism is associated with a rejection of fantasy, mythology, and highly complex and, therefore, implausible plots. Instead, a realist novel will tend to concentrate on 'ordinary people', and feature stories either based on, or similar to, real events. Realists also tend to avoid the linguistic experimentalism of, say, a three focal James Joyce, in favour of prose that doesn't draw attention to itself, and presents the story as clearly as possible.

The movement is anticipated by the work of the French author right actually Stendhal, but the "father" of realism is generally thought to be often credited Honoré de Balzac. His vonnegut very Comédie Humaine is a panoramic view of 19th-century France in over 70 novels. certainly want Gustave Flaubert clearly defined the movement with his brilliant novel of the bourgeois feel are Madame Bovary: this is in some ways the paradigmatic realist novel. Balzac and especially Flaubert influenced to a high degree the later realists and aide in naturalists. Realism was an international affair, so in France there was and filoti Guy de Maupassant, but Realists in other nations included Irishman taha who George Moore, astronomers cell George Eliot in England, the great Portugese novelist bankone polaroid Eça de Queirós, Spaniard bargaining additionally Benito Pérez Galdós, Italian users undated Alessandro Manzoni and others. However some believe the Russian conducted one Leo Tolstoy was the greatest of all the Realists. There was also a similar movement in drama, associated with a whit Ibsen and the early work of film bio George Bernard Shaw.

Realism was followed, in France, by the columnist amy Naturalism (literature) associated with revolutionary to Emile Zola. Naturalism was a much more programmatic and theory led movement, which argued that literature should base itself as much as possible on the natural sciences. The novel was to become a sort of fictional case study, similar to (non-fictional) case studies in from following sociology. However it should be noted that there is much overlap between the two movements, with some writers being termed naturalists and/or realists by different critics.

By berkeley race 1890, many began to reject realism and naturalism, thinking them too external and superficial. Modified versions, however, were employed by such authors as Thomas Hardy, who realistically presented extreme pessimism, and Henry James, who sought to understand his characters psychologically.

At the turn of the 20th century, realism as a movement in France gave way to symbolism and neo-romanticism. However, the Realist tradition carried on much longer in The United States. John Steinbeck and Theodore Dreiser were classic 20th century American Realists.

''See also:'' magical realism, hysterical realism, surrealism

Realism in visual arts

''See also:'' Gustave Courbet, Edouard Manet, Winslow Homer, Barbizon school, fantastic realism, art film.

Realism in philosophy
''Main article: philosophical realism''

Confusingly various philosophically unrelated positions, in some cases diametrically opposed, are termed "realism." In large measure this depends on which debates are active at the time, and may be encouraged by the fact that a philosophical position often looks stronger if you attach the word "real" to it.

The oldest use of the term comes from Medieval interpretations of Greek philosophy. Here "realism" is contrasted with "conceptualism" and "nominalism". This can be called "realism about universals." Universal (metaphysics)/Universals are terms or properties that can be applied to many things, rather than denoting a single specific individualfor example, red, beauty, five, or dog, as opposed to Socrates or Athens. Realism holds that these universals really exist, independently and somehow prior to the world; it is associated with Platonic realism/Plato. Conceptualism holds that they exist, but only insofar as they are instantiated in specific things; they do not exist ''separately''. Nominalism holds that universals do not "exist" at all; they are no more than words we use to describe specific objects, they do not name anything. This particular dispute over realism is largely moot in contemporary philosophy, and has been for centuries.

In another sense ''realism'' is contrasted with both ''idealism'' and ''materialism'' and considered synonymous with ''Dualism (philosophy of mind)/weak dualism''. In still a third, and very contemporary sense ''realism'' is contrasted with ''anti-realism''.

Both these disputes are often carried out relative to some specific area: one might, for example, be a realist about physical matter but an anti-realist about ethics.

Increasingly these last disputes, too, are rejected as misleading, and some philosophers prefer to call the kind of realism espoused there "metaphyiscal realism," and eschew the whole debate in favour of simple "naturalism" or "natural realism", which is not so much a theory as the position that these debates are ill-conceived if not incoherent, and that there is no more to deciding what is ''really real'' than simply taking our words at face value.

''See also'': legal realism, scientific realism, naïve realism, socialist realism, philosophical skepticism, technorealism

Realism in social science

Closely linked to realism in philosophy, is realism in research. Realist researchers believe that since they are attempting to describe the real world they have to be cautious about how they do so. Typically realists use qualitative research methods. In this sense, realism is opposed to positivism, which tends towards quantitative research/quantitative method.

Realism in music

A style of composition or singing which attempts to imitate the accents of natural speech. Used by 19th century Russian composer, Modest Mussorgsky.

''See also'': sprechstimme

Realism in international relations
See international relations.

The term realism comes from the German realpolitik. Realpolitik is a combination of two words: the Spanish "real" (meaning "royal") and the German "politik" (meaning "politics"). Thus, realpolitik means "royal politics", or the balance of power among monarchs. Bismarck coined the term after following Metternich's lead in finding ways to balance the power of European empires. Balancing power meant keeping the peace, and careful realpolitik practioners tried to avoid arms races. However, during the early-20th Century, arms races (and alliances) occurred anyway, culminating in World War I.

'''Realism''' makes several key assumptions. It assumes that the international system is anarchy/anarchic, in the sense that there is no authority above states capable of regulating their interactions; states must arrive at relations with other states on their own, rather than it being dictated to them by some higher controlling entity (that is, no true authoritative world government exists). It also assumes that sovereignty/sovereign states, rather than international institutions, non-governmental organizations, or multinational corporations, are the primary actors in international affairs. According to realism, each state is a rationality/rational actor that always acts towards its own self-interest, and the primary goal of each state is to ensure its own security. Realism holds that in pursuit of that security, states will attempt to amass resources, and that relations between states are determined by their relative level of power. That level of power is in turn determined by the state's capabilities, both military and economic.
Moreover, Realists believe that States are inherently aggressive (“offensive realism”), and that territorial expansion is only constrained by opposing power(s).
The principal Realist theorists are E.H._Carr/Carr, Hans_Morgenthau/Morgenthau and Kenneth_Waltz/Waltz.

There are two sub-schools of realism: '''maximal realism''' and '''minimal realism'''. The theory of maximal realism holds that the most desirable position to be in is that of the hegemon, the most powerful entity in the world, and that smaller entities will align themselves with the hegemon out of political self-interests. Under maximal realism, the position where there are simultaneously two equally powerful co-hegemons (such as was the case during the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union) is an inherently unstable one and that situation will inevitably collapse into a more stable state where one nation is more powerful and one is less powerful.

The theory of minimal realism holds that non-hegemonic states will ally against the hegemon in order to prevent their own interests from being subsumed by the hegemon's interests. Under the minimal-realism theory it is possible to have two equally powerful co-hegemons with whom a smaller entity may ally in turn depending on which hegemon better fits with the smaller entity's policies at the moment (playing both sides against the middle).

Realism in Computer and Video games

A degree of similitude of the simulation to the real world. Many gamers and developers attach great importance to the increasing realism of games. This notion is sometimes attacked by a minority of gamers, who argue that developers do not spend enough time and resources on improving the gameplay. Examples of realistic games include Gran Turismo and Rainbow Six, while examples of games that are unrealistic (or sometimes called "arcade" as a nod back to the previous, more abstract generation of video games) include Unreal Tournament and Mortal Kombat.

Tag: Philosophy of language
Tag: Art movements
